In a Whole New Way

Ensnaring almost four million Americans, probation has evolved from a second chance to avoid prison to a sanction actually feeding mass incarceration. Supported by neighborhood allies, some people of color set out in a whole new way to change all this—equipped only with cameras.

In a Whole New Way film poster

Film Credits


Jonathan Fisher

Jonathan Fisher is the Associate Director of the nonprofit Seeing for Ourselves, which equips and trains marginalized Americans to take charge of their own public narrative. When the pandemic's shutdown of the publishing industry made the nonprofit's intended book about this probation initiative infeasible, Jonathan figured he might instead stitch together available footage into a documentary as an alternative path to public awareness—and began watching Ken Burns's films to see how it could be done. "In a Whole New Way" is his first film.


Jonathan Fisher - Writer George Carrano
- Producer


Genré: Criminal Justice
Runtime: 31 minutes 6 seconds
Country of Origin: United States

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