I Still Love You

This is a story about a young couple that has recently ended their relationship. They are seeing the same therapist and are talking about their feeling towards each other after their break up.

I Still Love You film poster

Film Credits


Jose E. Juarez

Jose E. Juarez was born in Mexico City. Migrated to the United States at the age of 10 years old. He started learning animation at the age of 14 years old and has not stopped perfecting his animation skills since then. He has been an independent animator since 2013.


Jose E. Juarez - Writer
Jose E. Juarez - Producer
Eduardo Juarez jr - Animator

Key Cast

Daniel Alvarez - “Guy”
Brissa Ortega - “Girl”


Genré: Drama
Runtime: 4 minutes 20 seconds
Country of Origin: United States

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