J K 1971

The film revolves around the extraordinary story of Jean Kay, a courageous young Frenchman who took control of a Pakistan International Airlines [PIA] plane with a noble purpose. Motivated by a deep desire to aid the people of Bangladesh during their struggle for liberation in 1971, Jean Kay demanded the delivery of 20 tonnes of crucial medicine and medical supplies to support the freedom-loving individuals in Bangladesh. The film brings this gripping incident to life, showcasing the bravery and determination of those involved and shedding light on the profound impact of their selfless act.

J K 1971 Documentary poster GIFF 2023

Film Credits


Fakhrul Arefeen Khan

Fakhrul Arefeen Khan, the national award winner film maker in Bangladesh, started his film career in 1997 as a film activist . His foray in independent filmmaking started while he was still a student of International Affairs at Jahangirnagar University. National award-winning documentary Al Badr marked Arefeen's entry as a film maker into the industry in the year 2007. Apart from winning the prestigious National Award for Best Documentary; Al Badr was screened in Commonwealth Film Festival, SAARC Film Festival and Ankara Film Festival.



Masum Reza - Writer
Gorai Films - Producer

Key Cast

Sabbasachi Chakrabarti - "Sadat Hossain"


Genré: History
Runtime: 1 hour 20 minutes 55 seconds
Country of Origin: Bangladesh

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