
We Kill and Die as men.
“Clann” takes place in Medieval Ireland and follows young Oisin as he strives to save his aging fathers’ clann from an uncertain fate. Starring award winning actors and shot on location, Clann is O’Reel Productions most ambitious film to date.

Clann film poster

Film Credits


Aaron O'Neill

From Derry Ireland, Aaron O' Neill is an emerging film writer/director. His passion is to show what Ireland has to offer on the world stage.


Aaron O'Neill - Writer
Simon Russell - Writer
Simon Russell - Producer
Aaron O'Neill - Producer

Key Cast

Michael McGarry - “Oisin”
Richard J Hodgen - “Dwan”
Gordie McBride - “Olc”
Michael J Cloke - “Ocahan”
Simon Russell - “Abaras”


Genré: Medieval Drama
Runtime: 16 minutes 44 seconds
Country of Origin: United Kingdom

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