UnWelcomed Justice

A Suspended police officer over the Black Lives Movement is wrongfully singled out as a racist when he is of the same color. We see officer Derrick Byrd in his worst state of dealing with depression and trying to be there for his love ones while struggling to deal with his own demon’s.

UnWelcomed Justice film poster

Film Credits


Courtlin D. Fields, Eric Twitty


Producer - Courtlin D. Fields
Writer - Courtlin D. Fields

Key Cast

Courtlin D. Fields - “Derrick Byrd”
Famecia Ward - “Doctor westmoreland”
Kakra Nunoo Brown - “Chantel”
Coresa Collins - “Sister”
Herschel Toppin - “Therapist Crowley”


Genré: Experimental, Short, Web / New Media
Runtime: 14 minutes 18 seconds
Country of Origin: United States

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