Ball and Chain

Jean, a reclusive housewife who is terrified of the outside world, begins to descend into madness when she suspects that her husband is a serial killer. In her escape, she must decide whose version of reality she chooses to believe.
Ball and Chain film poster

Film Credits


Sebastian Howard

Sebastian Howard is a non-binary filmmaker working and creating in Perth, WA. They have religiously watched movies and thought about making them their whole life. Graduating from Screen Arts at Curtin in 2020, they poured oodles of passion for all kinds of cinema into the making of their final year project. They thrive on the energy of film sets and want nothing more than to continue thriving off them for the rest of their life.


Luisa Mitchell - Writer
Radheya Jegatheva - Writer
Luisa Mitchell - Producer

Key Cast

Nicoletta Dimas - "Jean Aaron"
Evan Williams - "Michael Aaron"


Genré: Black Comedy, Feminist Film. Horror
Runtime: 12 minutes 32 seconds
Country of Origin: Australia

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