Elisa and Middle-Earth 2 - Role Play

Elisa is a young girl who lives in the Middle-Earth on Boréän Land near the Kingdom of North Ascaran. After walking a few kilometers and taking her jewels hidden in a tree, she uses her magic to get close to the castle of Middle-Earth. The magic halo next to the wooden tent will allow her to go home and eat Japanese. Elisa has only one conviction : to become a high-ranking samurai to win the war against the sorcerers of the Logania empire and to make the good reign on Boréän.

Elisa and Middle-Earth 2 - Role Play film poster

Film Credits


Julia Dubreuil

Julia Dubreuil is 29 years old and live in France - Île-de-France region. Julia Dubreuil directed her second film "Elisa and Middle-Earth". This is a role play of Elisa in the Middle-Earth. The film is made alone by Julia Dubreuil. Julia Dubreuil love making film in french and english.
Her first film was "Aurora". A short film about a young girl who go over her sickness. This film won festivals in Los Angeles and Italy.
Julia Dubreuil make her third film alone but not the last "Elisa and Middle-Earth 2". The second short film of "Elisa and Middle-Earth".
Julia Dubreuil has a big work to make for her next films.


Julia Dubreuil - Writer
Julia Dubreuil - Producer

Key Cast

Julia Dubreuil - “Elisa”


Genré: Drama
Runtime: 9 minutes 26 seconds
Country of Origin: France

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