Fone Call

A struggling alcoholic actor finds out he’ll get the most important phone call of his career at seven PM. Will he get it on time? Or will his hangover overcome him…

FONE CALL film poster

Film Credits


Ross Kinnon

Ross Kinnon grew up in Central Scotland and from an early age wanted to make movies and tell stories. After training as a Plumber, Ross decided to return to college to study acting. He trained for two years at New College Lanarkshire. Finding his love for acting and film there. Ross now spends his time looking for acting roles, writing screenplays and trying to make as many people as he can, laugh!


Ross Kinnon - Writer
Ross Kinnon - Producer

Key Cast

Ross Kinnon - "John"
Stevie Reilly - "American Director "
Samantha Callaghan - "Karen "


Genré: Dark Comedy
Runtime: 17 minutes 33 seconds
Country of Origin: United Kingdom

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