Bulgarian Roses

Immerse yourself in a captivating short animated film that pays tribute to the rich heritage of Bulgarian culture and the remarkable evolution of animation throughout the years. Crafted as part of the esteemed international project “Spiritus Mundi: Animating the World,” organized by ASIFA, this film showcases the unique artistic contributions of Bulgaria to the world of animation.

What makes this creation even more remarkable is the fact that it was entirely produced within the confines of a makeshift home studio. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19 restrictions, the limitations acted as a catalyst for our boundless creativity. Brace yourself for a visual journey that seamlessly blends innovation and tradition, all from the comfort of our improvised workspace.

Bulgarian Roses film poster GIFF 2023

Film Credits


Anastasiya Stoeva, Elena Vasileva

Anastasiya Stoeva and Elena Vasileva are Bulgarian animation students and aspiring directors based in Sofia. They currently work as freelance stop-motion animators. This is the second project they have created together (after their music video for the song So Jedi Fresh by the Bulgarian singer Divna), combining claymation and cutout animation.


Anastasiya Stoeva - Writer
Elena Vasileva - Writer
Anastasiya Stoeva - Animators
Elena Vasileva - Animators


Genré: Student Animation
Runtime: 2 minutes 38 seconds
Country of Origin: Bulgaria

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