Bullets to Books Poster

Bullets to Books

Bullets to Books

Bullets to Books

Film Type: Documentary
Genres: Peace Movement
Runtime: 9 minutes 36 seconds

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Jok Abraham Thon has a mission; to heal South Sudan through education and changing the population’s mindset from “Bullets to Books.”

Director Biography

Andy Truschinski is a New York City based artist. He started his career as an actor on stage and in film (Ex: WAR HORSE National tour and THE HEIDI CHRONICLES starring Elisabeth Moss on Broadway, Sgt. Dugan in 21 BRIDGES by STX FILMS starring Chadwick Boseman) and also develops scripts for film, television, and on stage. Writing projects include: THE GREEN BOAT (feature film, finalist for Space on Ryder Farm development series), ONE WHITE FACE (commissioned pilot of the book One White Face by Hilary Corna), EXPLORING MUSIC (a documentary music series), SOUNDS DELICIOUS (a cooking talk show with music), THE OPUS (a stage play about creating music during the Holocaust), STAND UP (a television dramedy), BLOG IN PRAGUE (a theatrical comedy about technology addiction), THE ROOT OF HAPPINESS (award winning dramedy short film) and BULLETS TO BOOKS (a documentary film set in South Sudan).


Director/Writer/Producer – Andy Truschinski
Producer – Gail Prensky
Producer – Sean MacLaughlin
Producer – Achouth Philip Deng

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