John, an eighteen-year-old Latino male prostitute, resides in the impoverished district of Hollywood, L.A. His lack of experience in the hustling world leads him to resort to petty theft, pilfering condoms and medications from local stores to make ends meet. Peaches, a black transgender prostitute, frequently lends financial assistance to John, while Miguel, an older hustler, serves as his mentor, imparting the art of pleasing clients.

Night after night, John traverses the streets in search of older men willing to pay for his company. Amid these encounters, clients from various echelons of society confide in John, sharing their stories and secrets.

Produced by Joseph Hieu, renowned for his work on ‘The Accidental Getaway Driver,’ a critically acclaimed feature showcased at the Sundance Film Festival, where it garnered the Directing Award in U.S. Dramatic category.

Film Credits



Le Han was born in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. He is an independent writer and director that currently reside in Los Angeles, California. He graduated with the Master Degree of Design from Raffles College of Design and Commerce in Sydney, Australia in 2012. A huge fan of cinema and classic literature, he loves to write stories with complex characters and compelling plot twist, along with a touch of philosophical theme.


LE HAN - Writer
JOSEPH HIEU - Producer
XI FU - Producer

Key Cast

Sebastian Perez - "JOHN"
Celine Jackson - "Peaches"
Seth Hafley - "Miguel"


Genré: Drama
Runtime: 1 hour 39 minutes
Country of Origin: United States

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