Psalms Microfilms - Cycle One

In our contemporary society, where feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and a yearning for meaning prevail, the ancient Psalms offer solace and serve as anchor points throughout the day. Each Psalm, akin to a deep breath, extends an invitation for individuals to establish a profound connection with themselves and the Eternal.

Renowned media companies, Jason Hildebrand Creative Arts and Storystream Creative, have joined forces to create a unique process that challenges performers to embody the essence of scripture. They authentically reflect their own lived experiences through the lens of this ancient yet vibrant text. These captivating microfilms, shot in locations that deeply resonate with each performer, serve as visual expressions of scripture. They are designed to elicit heartfelt engagement and foster a sense of connection with God.

“Psalms Microfilms – Cycle One” comprises the first installment of a three-part series, offering viewers an opportunity to immerse themselves in these scripture-based cinematic experiences.

Psalms Microfilms - Cycle One film poster

Film Credits


Jason Hildebrand, Tad Munnings

Jason has overseen the development and production of many films and a multi-cast radio play. His film THE PRODIGAL TRILOGY has won multiple awards around the globe. His film BREATHE... was developed in partnership with The Salvation Army in Canada, Bermuda and Australia.

Tad Munnings started Storystream with the goal of telling stories that have an impact. He has a significant interest in international development and exploring the role that documentary filmmaking can have in shaping our view of and approach to the developing world.


Jason Hildebrand - Producer
Tad Munnings - Producer
Krystle Moilliet - Producer
Brian Hunt - Director of Photography

Key Cast

Wesley Magee-Saxton - "Psalm 42"
JJ Gerber - "Psalm 63"
Eden Hildebrand - "Psalm 139"
Krystle Moilliet - "Psalm 121"
Christina The - "Psalm 46"
Corey Tasmania - "Psalm 84"
Jason Hildebrand - "Psalm 23"


Genré: Drama
Runtime: 23 minutes 36 seconds
Country of Origin: Canada

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