Waiting for C-row

“Waiting for C-row” chronicles the lives of two individuals, Jenna and Candy, who find themselves entangled in the harsh realities of their profession as prostitutes, enduring both physical and emotional abuse at the hands of their pimp. Each woman, facing her own distinct challenges, navigates the depths of their struggles in their own unique way.

Waiting for C-row film poster GIFF 2023

Film Credits


Aaron J. Stewart

Aaron was born in Poughkeepsie, NY, and was raised in Highland, NY. He always admired actors, directors, and creators on film and stage, and decided to pursue the arts as a career when he attended Dutchess Community College; There, he graduated with an Associates in Performing Arts. During his time at DCC, he did internships, independent studies, and mentorships to enhance his knowledge of film and theatre production.



Kaila Williams - Assistant Director Aaron J. Stewart - Writer / Producer / Editor
Kaila Williams - Production Coordinator
Noah Campbell - Sound
Cici Koueth - Director of Photography
Matthew Castello - Music
Nicholas Spataro - Music
Joseph Novello - Music
Ezekiel Clare - Lighting
Mariel Cipriaso - Lighting
Jeanna Dipaolo - Makeup

Key Cast

Ndeye Niang - "Jenna"
Chantia Jackson - "Candy"
Brian D. Hills - "C-row"
Marlynn Pollard - "Sasha"


Genré: Prostitution
Runtime: 32 minutes 29 seconds
Country of Origin: United States

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