Heavy Clouds

An actress and a director rehearse an intense film in his remote country house, and fiction begins to bleed into reality.
Heavy Clouds Film poster

Film Credits


Victor Galmard

At 24, Victor's numerous years studying art granted him an outstanding capacity when it comes to structuring gripping stories based on original characters. He spent his first years in the business writing long feature films, including an upcoming film produced by Porter Pictures and collaborations with Velvet Sun Productions. In 2021, he is finally showing the kind of director he is with Heavy Clouds.


Victor Galmard - Writer
Victor Galmard - Producer
Cyril Peron-Dehghan - Composer
Karl Kaudell - Editor
Maxime Covelli-Roubaud - Sound Mixer
Anas Ay - 1st Assistant Camera
Diégo Maunoury - Grip
Théo L'Harridon - Grip
Luis Gonzalez - Sound Operator
Chloé Van Raemdonck - Costume, hair and Make-up
Alexandre Delbarre - Set Design, Props & Script Supervisor
Laurine Kanté - Set Designer

Key Cast

Teddie Hargrave - "Ella Shelley"
Ruggero Barlaba - "Damian Shaw"
Eric Le Godec - "Henry Duvall"


Genré: Thriller, Mystery
Runtime: 32 minutes 17 seconds
Country of Origin: France

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