I was born to love you

“Dummies meet Dracula” unveils a captivating music video, filled with intrigue and entertainment. This feature was created to amuse and engage audiences, delivering an unforgettable visual and auditory experience. The whimsical storyline follows a group of animated dummies as they encounter the legendary character of Dracula. The music video takes viewers on a thrilling journey, combining humor, suspense, and a touch of the supernatural. Prepare to be enthralled as the dummies navigate through a world where imagination and reality seamlessly intertwine. This unique fusion of storytelling and music promises to leave a lasting impression, captivating audiences of all ages.

I was born to love you film poster

Film Credits


Leonard Zaleski



Rene Stephens - Writer


Genré: Music Video
Runtime: 5 minutes 53 seconds
Country of Origin: United States

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