Dammit Jim! I'm Only a Documentary!

‘Voices of the Wisdom Keepers’ is a profoundly poetic and timely appeal, beckoning us to take action and confront the pressing challenges that our society faces today. This thought-provoking documentary features captivating interviews with four esteemed indigenous elders, whose wisdom and insights present a compelling argument for us to reevaluate our destructive lifestyles and chart a path towards a more enlightened future.

The revered elder speakers featured include Ilarion Merculieff, a wise Unangan/Aleut leader; Sobunfu Somé, hailing from the Dagara community in West Africa; Ray Squi Qui Williams, a respected member of the Swinomish tribe and the Coastal Salish people; and Malidoma Somé, who also hails from the Dagara community in West Africa. Through their profound voices, they offer invaluable perspectives that have the power to reshape our perspectives and guide us towards a more harmonious existence.

Dammit Jim Im Only A Documentary film poster GIFF 2023

Film Credits


marQ, Ren Morrison


marQ - Producer
Ren Morrison - Producer

Key Cast

Paul Goebel - "Captain Paul"
Graham Elwood - "Enson Graham"
Paula Crist - "Qeldas Pickett"


Genré: Sc-Fi, Documentary, Comedy
Runtime: 23 minutes 49 seconds
Country of Origin: United States

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