
Disoriented and bewildered, a man awakens in an unfamiliar dwelling, his memories fragmented. As he endeavors to piece together the events that led him to this unknown abode, he grapples with the misinterpretation of his recollections.

Against the backdrop of rural Australia in the interwar period, “Echoes” unfolds as a short mystery, delving into the intricate web of memory’s deception, the resilience of human determination, and the profound impact of isolation.

Echoes film poster

Film Credits


Alex Pacc - Writer
Javiera Zorrilla - Producer
Max Enright - Director of Photography
Daniel Perry - Production Designer
Simon Ngo - Editor
Alex Pacc - Editor

Key Cast

Alex Pacc - "Derrick"
Kirrily Annalise - "Mary"


Genré: Mystery, Thriller, Australian Western
Runtime: 13 minutes 20 seconds
Country of Origin: Australia

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