Lost & Found

While clearing out their grandmother’s house after her passing, siblings Max and Julie stumble upon a revelation that unravels the complexities of her life. This unexpected discovery opens a door to encounters with the significant people who shaped her world, unveiling the intricate layers that made her the person she was.
Lost and Found film poster

Film Credits


Erica Miller

Born in Ann Arbor USA, Erica is a half Black American, Half German UK national Theatre Director who recently moved to film as part of Roguegunners Productions. She is keen to make inclusive projects featuring strong female and minority characters.


Johnny Blanchard - Writer/Producer
Erica Miller - Producer

Key Cast

Anna Tammela - "Julie"
Joshua Merara - "Max"
Carolyn Pertwee - "Gladys"
Sarah Ford - "Edna"
Penelope Maynard - "Mary"
Peter Charlton - "Stan"
Roli Okorodudu - "Beatrice"
Lydia Kay - "Zoe"


Genré: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 19 minutes 13 seconds
Country of Origin: United Kingdom

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