Black Cat

An imaginative girl, and a Chinese cocaine dealer cursed by a rival drug dealer with an evil spirit.

Black Cat film poster

Film Credits


Alan Phan Nguyen

Australian (Sydney) based filmmaker with the passionate drive to paint films the way he sees reality.
Film/cinema is one of the most sophisticated art forms man has ever conceived of. It is an art form that I forever want a part of my life and the next.


Producer - Alan Phan Nguyen
Writer - Alan Phan Nguyen
Daniel Martin - Special Effects
Janelle Stacy - Special Effects

Key Cast

Vanessa Hoang - “Girl”
Anthony Wong - “Boss”
Laissez Ho - “Chow”
Steve Lu - “Tony”
Kevin Zhang - “Jinn (Hitman)”


Genré: Drama
Runtime: 15 minutes
Country of Origin: Australia

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