
This is the true story of an Iraqi male college student and a female rape victim from Syria, who come across each other in Istanbul. While the Iraqi guy is trying to get away from Istanbul as soon as possible in order to continue his education in Italy and meet his lover over there, the only thing that the woman wants is stay alive and feel secure.

Refuge film poster

Film Credits


Mehmet Tığlı

Mehmet Tığlı was born in İstanbul in 1970. He graduated from Marmara University in 1991. He completed cinema courses at İFSAK in 1989. He won best screenplay awards of Orhon Murat Arıburnu National Art Awards in 1992 and 1993. Mehmet Tığlı is also Marketing and Communication lecturer at Marmara University since 1993. His first short film ‘Twin Stars-İkiz Yıldızlar’ was shot in June, 2016. 'Twin Stars' was officially selected to 59 international festivals and won 22 awards. His second film High Calorie-Yüksek Kalori was selected to 45 international festivals and won 24 awards. His third short film A Ferry Tale-Bir Vapur Masalı was officially selected to 112 international festivals and won 50 awards. His fourth film Spizella was officially selected to 114 festivals and won 61 awards. His fifth film Sycamore was officially selected to 122 festivals and won 51 awards.


Mehmet Tığlı - Writer
Mehmet Tığlı - Producer
Erkan Şimşir - Producer
Mina Ertem - Producer

Key Cast

Arzu Suriçi Kireççi - “Woman”
Mete Boyar - “Boy”
Ertan Kılıç - “Psychiatrist”
Selda Alkor - “Lady”


Genré: Romance
Runtime: 16 minutes 49 seconds
Country of Origin: Turkey

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