
A lonely teenager whose daily routine consists of spending his afternoons sleeping away in the library, goes home only to lay in bed and dream restlessly.

The routine continues normally until his attention is turned to a never before seen alluring peer who becomes the subject of another one of his daydreams.

Unfortunately his fantasy turns into a nightmare and he is awoken from his fantasy world and brought back to reality, Where the stillness of time is broken and reality can be embraced.

Mirage film poster

Film Credits


Samuel Salinas

My name is Samuel Jaime Salinas. I was born in Galveston, Texas in the year 2000. Since then me and my family have moved to more than seven states through 2008, finally landing in southern Illinois, where me and my family have lived ever since.

My interest in film first began in my sophomore year and grew until the end of high school. Once I attended my first film class in college my interest was once again cemented during my second semester in 2019. Funnily enough I finally embraced the title of "filmmaker" because of an essay I wrote about my future career in my winter semester of 2020.

I want to make films that tell unique truths, whether it be someones dreams or what lens they see the world, and I'm not going to quit doing it.


Samuel Salinas - Writer
Samuel Salinas - Director of Photography
Samuel Salinas - Editor
Grant Ludwig Camera Operator
Samuel Salinas - Camera Operator
Hannah Sochowski - Sound
Samuel Salinas - Sound
Half Evidence - Music
Stefano Roncarano & Sandro Marinoni - Music
Orquestra Popular De Paio Pires - Music
Sylvie Walder - Music
Roy Matthew - Poster

Key Cast

Kaden Rippy
Karri Drumm
Jaime Salinas


Genré: Experimental
Runtime: 14 minutes 34 seconds
Country of Origin: United States

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